What to wear to buddhist temple

What to Wear to a Buddhist Temple? Dress Code for Buddhists and Tourists

In a place as holy as a Buddhist temple, where respect is paramount, knowing what to wear and what to avoid will help you leave a positive impression. 

For both men and women, it is necessary to wear modest, comfortable, and not provocative attire. 

Other than that, wearing too much jewelry or using a mobile phone all the time is a big NO while visiting a Buddhist temple.

The people at Buddhist temples are some of the kindest and most welcoming I’ve ever met and that’s the reason I am sharing some of the tips that will help you dress the right way before visiting a temple. 

Let’s take a look: 

Dressing the Right Way in a Buddhist Temple

Keep in mind that a Buddhist temple is a place of worship and peace, where people come together to learn about the Buddha’s teachings and practice meditation and prayer.

It is important to dress in a way that shows respect for this sacred space. The sense of peace and tranquility that comes from a Buddhist temple is not just in the air, but also in the clothes you wear.

Let’s get started with how to dress properly before visiting a Buddha Temple: 

Cover Your Shoulders 

First and foremost, whether you are a man or a woman, covering your shoulders is a must. Make sure that you wear a dress that covers your shoulders as it portrays an impression of modesty across the temple. 

Wear Long Pants 

Avoid wearing shorts, trousers, and skirts while visiting a temple. Long pants should be a preference, especially if you are a foreigner and not well accustomed to the preachings of Buddha yet. 

Dress Modestly 

Although wearing a Buddhist rope is the best way to wander around in a Buddhist temple, if you cannot afford it, simply dress modestly. Never wear something too flashy, provocative, or fashionable, as the monks and nuns in the temple could feel disrespected. Long shirts and pants are the right way to dress when visiting any holy site.

Wear White and Avoid Denim 

It’s not a must, but if you want to indulge in the preachings of Buddha and its disciples, you should wear white and avoid denim. Wearing denim or tattered pants will give the impression of mocking the preachings of Buddha

Wear Clean Clothes

That’s a no-brainer. To visit a holy site like a Buddhist temple for spiritual cleaning, you should address your physical appearance first. 

The best way is to make sure that you wear neat and clean clothes that are not too revealing and flashy simultaneously. 

Avoid Miscellaneous Things

Do not wear too much jewelry, make-up, perfume, or cologne while visiting a temple. Be as natural as you can get to embark on a journey of spiritual healing. Take as much spiritual knowledge as possible and do not worry about the materialistic things, including make-up and jewelry. 

Take off Your Shoes and Hats

Before entering the premises, make sure that you take off your shoes and hats to show respect to the holy site as well as to indulge in the activities of the temple. 

Similarly, shoes are not allowed during meditation in the sanctuary as cleanliness is of great importance in Buddhism. 

Stand When Monks and Nuns Enter 

Whenever you see the monks and nuns entering a sanctuary or any other place, you should stand up to show them the respect and importance they deserve. Doing so will help you restore your spiritual peace for sure.

Ask Permission Before Taking Snaps 

This is extremely important, especially due to the times we live in, in which we are addicted to social media. Do not just start taking pictures and making videos of the holy site without care. Ask the guide or the authority for permission before taking pictures of the statues of Buddha or the scenery. 

Use Your Right Hand 

Just like in other religions, Buddhism also endorses the use of the right hand to perform different activities. That could include handshakes, eating or drinking water, etc. 

Don’t Point 

I get that some people may point toward monks, nuns, statues, or other things in the temple out of excitement. But that’s not endorsed when you enter a Buddhist temple. So, avoid pointing out objects as much as you can during your visit to the temple. 

Don’t Touch Anything 

Just like avoiding to point out, you should not touch statues and other objects during your visit to the temple. Avoid touching anything, and if you still want to hold a statue in your hand, ask the authorities beforehand. Touching monks and nuns is also strictly prohibited in the temple. 

Talk Quietly, and No PDAs 

Do not talk too loud to disturb the peaceful environment. Similarly, you should avoid any public display of affection if you are visiting the temple with your partner. Smoking is also prohibited within the premises. 

Where to Buy Buddhist Clothing 

In case you are facing trouble in finding the right attire to wear to a Buddhist temple, you can check out online marketplaces such as Amazon. Make sure that you select the right apparel before choosing Buddhist or Asian clothing online. 

Read Next: What Kind of Incense Is Used in Buddhist Temples?

How to Behave in a Buddhist Temple?

Special Considerations for Women Before Visiting a Buddhist Temple

There are some other special considerations for women who wish to visit temples as well: they must cover their shoulders and legs with long skirts or pants. The key is to respect the cultural and traditional practices while at the same time feeling comfortable and free to enjoy yourself.

For women, this means covered arms, legs, and chest. For men, you’ll find that they cover their shoulders and upper hands as well. What to wear changes by tradition, too – some people dress like monks or nuns, while others just dress like visitors who want to honor the occasion. Long pants and button-downs with no belt or tie would always be a safe bet. 

To visit a Buddhist temple, it would be helpful to wear clothes that cover most of your skin. The more that is covered the better in general, partly because it’s believed to minimize distracting thoughts. It’s important to remember that Buddhist temples tend to become stricter since lust is not considered good karma. So dress accordingly.

Dresses Traditional to Buddhism

Buddhist wear can take many forms. Experts in the practice often recommend that you wear something that expresses your commitment to the ideas of Buddhism.

Buddhist monks have a strict dress code that must be followed at all times. They traditionally wear a saffron/maroon/orange robe. Their attire is a reflection of their life of service as well as an expression of the universality and timelessness of the Dharma (Buddhist law).

In terms of what to wear to a Buddhist temple, individual temples may have their dress codes and that’s why a generic answer might not be appropriate here. If this is very important to you, you might also talk with someone from a Buddhist center or monastery near you since the customs and traditions of Buddhism vary greatly from area to area and temple to temple.

Read Next: What Do Buddhist Nuns Wear?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the dress code for Buddhists? 

It depends from temple to temple but there is not any standard dress code for Buddhists In general, it is recommended to dress modestly on the journey to a Buddhist temple to heal yourself spiritually. 

Can you wear shorts at a Buddhist temple? 

Wearing shorts or other flashy dresses is not a good practice to give respect to other people at a Buddhist temple. You should cover yourself properly from collarbone till your feet to keep yourself and others away from any disturbance at the temple. 

Can you wear socks at a Buddhist temple? 

Though you will be required to take off your shoes before entering the premises, you can wear socks to wander around in the temple. I would recommend keeping a separate pair of socks that you can change as soon as you enter the temple to avoid any awful smell. 

Parting Words

It is important to be aware of the appropriate clothing to wear when visiting a holy place; the same is true for Buddhist temples.

It is not about trying to impress others but rather about showing respect and avoiding anything that could be perceived as offensive. That is one of the reasons you should always wear modest attire while visiting a Buddhist Temple. 

Do you have any recommendations or suggestions for us? Leave us a comment in the comment box mentioned below: 

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  1. Hello. The video is very helpful. I was raised Christian, followed it most my life. Always been drawn to Buddhism. I am taking the steps to explore Buddhism now. I have not before now, because most of my family have discouraged me from doing so. It’s a cult, don’t do it, they say. They have good intentions, and their concern is sincere, but this is my journey not theirs. I have taken the steps of this journey buy researching videos like this, websites, visited a temple for evening chant 2 times. I have bought a couple books. I am trying to start my day with a daily reading; your true home the everyday wisdom of thich nhat hanh. Today I am visiting a temple here in Columbus to experience the beginner’s meditation they have at 10:00 am. I’m very excited about my new journey. One that I have put off for many years. Do you have any helpful suggestions for me as a beginner?

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